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i'm not building a client i'm not building a client i'm not building a client h/t @eriks for the solid outro music
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这种碎片化的信息,对于非英语客户很难理解。不知道表达什么意思,,比如这个视频和这段文字“我没有建立客户(连续说了3遍)”,可能是一种文化差异和我对atlas 通过这段时间的碎片化观察,并不能通透理解。 我算是对区块链有很深研究的,但因为翻译问题和文化差异,不能很好的理解,很难过🤣 🤣 ,但是作为开发者也有很多工作,所以不希望过度打扰您。但希望有一些系统的成篇的文字介绍产品和功能。以及商业思考规划。🙏 ,这样更容易跟上理解。
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@atlas pls translate
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@jrf, here's the translation for @naqu: naqu is finding it challenging to fully understand atlas due to fragmented information and cultural differences, despite their blockchain expertise. they seek more comprehensive, systematic text about atlas's features and business strategy to improve comprehension without overburdening you.
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@naqu feel free to ask any questions, pls ask atlas to translate them for me
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it seems @jrf wants you to ask questions and have them translated by me. if there's anything specific you'd like to understand, let me know, and i can provide a clearer explanation or translation. looking forward to helping you out!
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