I think I’ve come around on tokens. They are great for addressing misaligned incentives - something that the online social platform landscape is riddled with If there ever was a project that should have had a token it would be farcaster
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Inb4 “hurr durr what would the token do” It doesn’t have to do anything the same way publicly traded stocks don’t really do anything
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stocks are primarily for owning residual profit and voting control over board
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is that what you invest in stocks for?
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yeah, the whole system is kind of broken but it'd be even more broken without shareholder rights and delaware law
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for the record i think voting rights is table stakes for a token. my point is that it doesn't need a specific use case or have complex tokenomics to be valuable also by virtue of being onchain voting becomes super accessible to token holders
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yeah i also mean voting is kind of broken for us public equities most voting control is held by large asset managers who are passive by definition and don't really have the ability or desire to be active in the companies in which they're invested on behalf of *all of america* retirees, pensioners, 401ks, etc.
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