Jordan Tanner pfp

Jordan Tanner


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Jordan Tanner pfp
Jordan Tanner
Working on a Soviet version of the Teletubbies. That is all.
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Jordan Tanner pfp
Jordan Tanner
Would you play a Game Boy game based loosely on the 1979 movie Stalker?
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Jordan Tanner pfp
Jordan Tanner
In 2018, I pitched a blockchain project to Scooter Braun over facetime while he was waiting for a flight in LAX. Dude did not seem to give a single shit, then all of a sudden was asking incredibly relevant and technical questions. Safe to say it did not go very well...
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Jordan Tanner pfp
Jordan Tanner
Next week I'm doing a physical art drop around Tel Aviv. Mini statuettes, you find one you keep one. I have space for a QR on the base and was thinking about including NFTs for the 'takers' but there's cost and usability issues for something that's going out to the general public. Does anyone have any nice solutions?
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Jordan Tanner pfp
Jordan Tanner
Who pays for farcaster identity data to be put on the blockchain? @dwr.eth
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