Josh Cornelius pfp

Josh Cornelius


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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
realtime remaining tip balances are live on
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ilya pfp
BIG CARE// by @fvckrender May 2nd. 300 collectors only. Medium: Resin, steel, automotive paint Dimensions: 30.5 Γ— 36 x 48.5 inches Weight: ~120 lbs Powered by @lisafound
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
πŸš€ NHL "Pack Roulette" πŸ’πŸ₯… πŸ”΅ Buy packs (up to 10x) with Base ETH πŸ”΅ Get 69 early shares of random teams πŸ”΅ Lookout for Whale Packs… 1 per team ** NHL /bracket goes LIVE today **
11 replies
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
big dig
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
who hurt you
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
let's goooo
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
was travelling this week and couldn't curate topics from the week in consumer crypto as I usually do, so jotted down some token thoughts that have been bouncing around my mind recently instead.
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Enjoy Weekly #1 is up! Keep up to date with what's happening with Enjoy (and more) and don't forget to smash that subscribe button❗❗❗
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
1000 $degen
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
1000 $degen
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
these are very sick
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ccarella pfp
Enjoy Art Week 1: 1M $Enjoy will be distributed. Post your Zora Mint URLs in the channel, get rewarded based on the number of likes you receive from the top 500 $Enjoy holders.
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
2000 $degen
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
nooo jayme please design a token that captures the belief, desire to participate in, and cultural value of the world you're building
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
here for the 747 $enjoy meta
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
yea would love if you both used the farcaster social graph and had a curated feed of the most interesting onchain transactions w/ user generated context
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
$degen has done an incredible job of redefining how token distribution is done, millions have been distributed to Farcaster builders and contributors, with more to come $enjoy is doing the same for creators on Zora currently 1/4 of all comments on Zora are tips Artists don't let other artists NOT know about $enjoy
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
what are you looking for specifically? we're actively building out our data infra and will expose it via api (and probably dune) shortly, but could pull a number today if that's what you're after!
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
one for the scenecoin enthusiasts
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Josh Cornelius pfp
Josh Cornelius
will check it out!
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