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Remaining DeFi Lending Liquidity: What if you could keep your base-yield but leverage the same capital to get exposure to high-upside DeFi lending deals at the same time? Here is something we've worked on during the summer and now we are making it a reality - introducing two new DeFi concepts: Lean Lending Liquidity & Thesis-based lending: cc @pwndao & @pwnintern
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TL;DR: Lean Lending Liquidity (LLL) allows soft-committing rather than hard-transferring funds for exposing lenders to new opportunities with higher yields while they keep getting base-yield from pooled protocols. 2/4
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Thesis-based Lending enables mass-commitments toward an arbitrary set of collateral tokens, using any source of lending capital - including existing lending pools (AAVE, Compound, Morpho - via LLL LenderHooks) with one signature. 3/4
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