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Caygeon 🎩🏰 pfp
Caygeon 🎩🏰
Added an itty bitty Banner. Are there any 'norms' with respect to gardening? I notice people covering up other stuff, not sure if that's not cool or encouraged.
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Jon Bo 🌱 pfp
Jon Bo 🌱
We're letting them emerge! One thing we're playing with is the idea of weather, coming in and shaking things up in the garden What do you think?
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Caygeon 🎩🏰 pfp
Caygeon 🎩🏰
We've only just met, so I'll mind my language, but I effing love it.
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Nevs pfp
Similar to r/place which is imagine inspiration was drawn. My 2c is let the people cover change track etc and if the β€œseason” changes in /garden- and shakes things up, even better :) Some communities have watchers to upkeep their art in the garden πŸ–ΌοΈ πŸͺ΄
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