I want a new blog banner template that I can use. I write technical deep dives, and have been trying out different banners but couldn't come up with a template to use on all. Designers please help. I want it to be simple, must have title + subtitle, others are optional. 222 USDC Deadline 04/01/2024 @bountybot
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Nia ✈️
You wanted something simple, so I made something minimal, but fun. I also made some cover images for your posts for more even more uniformity. lmk what you think! https://www.figma.com/file/gVZfPm56L3uByAqYScmWFd/Eda-Blog-Format?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=VpECWBxmvHedaIG3-1
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I love this!! Thank you so much. this is my favorite. 🥇 Can I also have access to the cover images.
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