Jjatin4 pfp



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Jjatin4 pfp
Car is not only a depreciating asset. Car is not only a steel box. A car will protect your family, kids, wife from the bad eyes, bad contact when they will use public transportation. Car is emotion. Don’t fall for fin influencers.
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Jjatin4 pfp
Spicy foods don’t cause acidity or ulcers or piles. They just irritate the already problematic area inside the gut or gut lining. Gym doesn’t cause heart attack, problem is already there , it will check heart’s endurance.
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Jjatin4 pfp
You are not hungry. You are not going to die because of this. You are not going to develop low blood pressure soon because of this . You are addicted to food or ventilation is bad or You are thirsty, just drink water 1/2 glasses and wait for 20 mins and take some deep breath,more than 90 % chances are that your hunger will go away .
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Jjatin4 pfp
Cannibalism (eating human flesh) is better than the Gang-rape or child rape. No law proceedings are needed. Following law proceedings here is actually an inhuman thing. Kill them asap.
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Jjatin4 pfp
The cost of this house is 13 cr Indian Rupees. Austin , Texas USA . Compare it with 100 cr Gurgaavn flat. 20 cr Noida flat Or a 13 cr Bungalow in Delhi NCR or in any metro. We are living in hell. Governments are leeches , sucking our money and distributing to buy votes to remain in power. Reason: many millionaires leaving this land every year permanently.
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Jjatin4 pfp
I saw 3 years old kids have destroyed teeth because of sugar addiction. No school banned sugar products inside of their premises. In Delhi NCR there is trend is going on of banning eggs. A kid can’t come with eggs in lunchbox. 🤡. FYI: Enamel ( outer layer of tooth) is the strongest known substance found in animal bodies.
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Jjatin4 pfp
When we are closest to the God : When a baby lying in our arms. When we are writing something great. When we are reading something great. When we are walking in nature. Just before the sunrise. I don’t use phone when God is nearby.
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Jjatin4 pfp
The biggest tragedy of middle class families: Half lived life of parents.
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Jjatin4 pfp
If your gut is not working properly: 1. Digestive problems : it’s obvious, you will feel bloated, reflux, constipated. 2. Nutritional deficiencies: as gut absorb all the nutrients, any problem in gut will lead to nutrients deficiency in the body 3. Multiple allergies : many proteins left undigested , they enter into circulation, our immune system produces antibodies against it leading to allergies. 4. Skin rashes: this is due to allergies, high histamine & hormonal imbalances 5. Poor immune system: nutrients deficiency will lead to dtysfunctioning of immune system 6. Autoimmune diseases : allergic reactions to different foods and chemicals leads to hyperactivity of immune system and this super active immune system start destroying own body . 7. Arthritis or joint pain:joints are among the few body parts which are getting destroyed by antibodies or due to nutrients deficiency. 8. Cravings: when body is suffering from macro and micro nutrients deficiency it will crave for these . 9. Brain i…
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Jjatin4 pfp
The life of a great man is full of mistakes, failures,pain,faults & blunders. Socially unaccepted. A common man is smart enough, he avoids all of these throughout of his life. Socially accepted.
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Jjatin4 pfp
They know you are : Lazy Addicted to food and junk food. Addicted to comfort zone. Addicted to screen. So you can’t change your food, day routine & night routine. So they ( healthcare) can make you fool by saying “ this is in your genetics or it’s hereditary and you will not counter it .
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Jjatin4 pfp
I am seeing so many patients of Liver failures specially in last 2 years, etiologies are : Unhygienic street food Self treatment with herbals ( no side effects products) Multiple drug intoxication ( alcohol + you just name it. Why people don’t respect their liver, life and their families. Why are we becoming so dumb?
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Jjatin4 pfp
You can't change someone by spending on them harder. You can't change someone by loving them harder. Stop wasting resources and love on them. Move on.
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Jjatin4 pfp
Functions of sunlight : ☀️Prevents Vitamin D Deficiency ☀️Regulates Body Temperature ☀️Fights Stress and Insomnia ☀️Reduces Mortality Rates by maintaining circadian rhythm ☀️Provides Relief From Skin Disorders ☀️Provides Relief From Neonatal Jaundice ☀️Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis ☀️Heals Wounds ☀️Helps Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder ☀️Reduces Chronic Pain and Body Odour ☀️Maintains Your Circadian Rhythm ☀️Fights Stubborn Weight Gain ☀️Boost testosterone.
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Jjatin4 pfp
Thyroid issues: Currently, all of you are taking medication which is T4 hormone replacement. But T4 is not the active form that is absorbed by the body, it's just a carrier. The active form of the hormone is T3. There are many factors that affect the conversion of T4 to T3. Many doctors miss this aspect of treatment. That's why many of you are taking the medication and even though it's not helping in your symptoms. *What hurts the conversion of T4 to T3?* Many factors hinder your body’s conversion of T4 to the active T3 form. Let’s review a few of the main ones! *Stress* In times of chronic stress, your body releases higher amounts of a stress hormone called cortisol. At this time, your body is focused on the cortisol release, so it does not put much effort into converting T4 into T3. Instead, it redirects T4 to another hormone called *reverse*T3 Your body requires a delicate balance of reverse T3. Too much of this hormone as a result of chronic stress can slow metabolism and cause other detri…
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Jjatin4 pfp
In all the history of humans , only warriors touched the peak of spirituality/. What an irony.? Almost every god belonged to a warrior family. We have pictures of them with weapons. Still , I have to tell you their food?
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Jjatin4 pfp
Most fierce challenge of the future: When a father will try to save his son from the free or paid nudity. When a father will try to save the boyhood of his son from the free or paid nudity. Because more and more cheap women are coming on social media to earn cheap $ by selling their skin. Before this is going to happen with him turn your boy towards: Purpose Physical and mental strength. Reading and writing. Creating wealth Creating social value Self-respect Not falling for the cinema’s propaganda of having GF early.
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Jjatin4 pfp
Childhood dream was : Will visit whole Europe once in a lifetime. For : Green Peaceful Clouds Rain Snow Mountains Clean rivers Food Good cars Racing tracks Good People This dream shattered. Same filth of third world infiltrated them. It’s saddening.
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Jjatin4 pfp
So sattu , badam shake , soya and 10 litre milk daily Gurujis . How are your students are performing at Olympic? Any idea?
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Jjatin4 pfp
Large dose fructose for extended period of time is a mitochondrial poison. Cancer cells don’t have functional mitochondria. I am just a doctor, i don’t know much beyond this . So , I am silent now , i am not saying anything further.
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