Jithin Raj pfp

Jithin Raj


728 Following

Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Unexpected. Pleasantly surprised!
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
minted my /farcards . Mint yours
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Letโ€™s ๐Ÿ•บ
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Check out my onframe NounโŒโ—จ-โ—จ based on my Farcaster ID!
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
f/acc ๐Ÿซก
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
It's always good to see technology that lasts. https://spectrum.ieee.org/apollo-era-antenna-voyager-2
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
This is massive.
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Who is in Dubai for Token 2049?
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Excited to try Llama 3. https://llama.meta.com/llama3/
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Give Party! Give to the super optimistic people on Farcaster, who are full of optimism and bring more hope to the community.
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Because Iโ€™m a huge believer and fan of the crypto community and we all deserve that Skydive for the amazing work we have been putting in and for being so early. ๐Ÿช‚
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Whoโ€™s getting it?
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
The ad on Google for Token 2049 is a scam; do not click to save your crypto!
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Dubai floods Token 2049! https://abcnews.go.com/International/dubai-flooding-heavy-rainfall/story?id=109321601
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Will the subscriptions linked to wallet A remain valid if I change the wallet address associated with X.eth to wallet B? My guess is no, as subscriptions are tied to a wallet address and not the ENS. In that case, how do I retain/port my subscriptions?
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
Letโ€™s start with your work on zero-knowledge proofs, which reached the surprising conclusion that every statement that has a proof can be proved to someone in a way that reveals no information beyond what they already know. https://cacm.acm.org/opinion/specifying-the-power-and-limitations-of-randomness/
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11 reactions

Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
The much needed features and utility for Farcaster.
2 replies
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
I lost all my $DEGEN to a hacker. With airdrops and increased interest in DEGEN, there are many scammers trying to steal your precious $DEGEN. Be safe. I will write more about what and how it happened.
20 replies
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Jithin Raj pfp
Jithin Raj
I'm currently being hacked and my money is being drained. Any help is appreciated.
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