Jiniyum pfp



1213 Following

Jiniyum pfp
모모야 쑤욱쑥 잘 자라라 💕
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Jiniyum pfp
밴 당하신 분들은 HAM도 기존 디젠 밴 리스트 이용해서 밴 했다고 하니, 햄도 같이 소명양식 제출하셔야 할 것 같습니다. 워친님들 참고부탁드려요. 후아..후아..
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Jiniyum pfp
어제 늦은시간까지 고생하신 워친님들 정말 고생많으셨습니다. 일이 잘 해결되면 좋겠네요. 모두모두 화이팅!
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Jiniyum pfp
🌈 워친님들 굿모닝입니다 ☀️ 어제 새벽까지 어떠한 내용으로 항의할지 고민하고 글쓰고 하느라 잠을 별로 못잤더니 머리가 띵~한 아침이네요 조금만 정신차리고 그동안 찾아주신분들 모두 인사갈게요 오늘도 화이팅! 🫶
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Jiniyum pfp
한 캐스트에만 62만 디젠 팁 받았네요 2만랭커는 100만포인트 이제까지 쌓였구요
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Jiniyum pfp
Hello, guys! 20K Ranking guy recently got 625,351 Degen tipped per 1 cast aside from 15,000 degen every day as tip allowance. (previously it was 25,000) and now accumulated points is 1,015,802 points which is quite huge considering he is not high ranker. What do you think? Do you think this is fair?
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Jiniyum pfp
Hello, guys! 20K Ranking guy recently got 625,351 Degen tipped per 1 cast aside from 15,000 degen every day as tip allowance. (previously it was 25,000) and now accumulated points is 1,015,802 points which is quite huge considering he is not high ranker. What do you think? Do you think this is fair?
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Jiniyum pfp
@jacek @wake.eth Nothing cleared yet on this issue, 20K Ranking guy recently got 625,351 Degen tipped per 1 cast aside from 15,000 degen every day as tip allowance. (previously it was 25,000) and now accumulated points is 1,015,802 points which is quite huge considering he is not high ranker. What do you say on this?
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Jiniyum pfp
갑작스런 밴에 대한 사과도 없고, 갑자기 잡음들이 나니까 링크로 보내라? 좀 찜찜해서 내일까지는 외국 채널들과 이 2명에게 증거들이밀면서 항의좀 하겠습니다. 여력되시는 분들은 아시는 외국채널에 같이 뿌려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
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Jiniyum pfp
Hello, guys, Ranking 20K guy is getting regularly tipped by someone who says 'APPROVED BY JACEK'. He is not even high ranker based on community criteria. (391 Followers, 20K ranking but getting paid 15,000 degen every day apart from this tipping) Can this happen?? what do you think? Do you think this is fair?
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Jiniyum pfp
Hello, guys. Ranking 20K guy is getting regularly tipped by someone who says 'APPROVED BY JACEK'. He is not even high ranker based on community criteria. (391 Followers, 20K ranking but getting paid 15,000 degen every day apart from this tipping) Can this happen?? what do you think? Do you think this is fair?
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Jiniyum pfp
랭킹 2만 유저에게 정규적으로 디젠팁을 주고, (매일 그 유저한테 준 15000 디젠은 별개임) JACEK가 승인했다는 코멘트가 달려있습니다. 이게 과연 정상적인 상황인걸까요?
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Jiniyum pfp
@jacek @wake.eth We strongly urge you to clarify this as well. Ranking 20K guy are getting regularly tipped by someone who says 'APPROVED BY JACEK'. He is not even high ranker based on community criteria. (391 Followers, 20K ranking but getting paid 15,000 degen every day apart from this tipping) Can this happen??
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Jiniyum pfp
Hello, guys, 20K ranking user seems to get paid 15,000 degen every day. How can this happen? Do you think it is fair? what do you think?
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Jiniyum pfp
Hello, guys, 20K ranking user seems to get paid 15,000 degen every day. How can this happen? Is it fair? what do you think?
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Jiniyum pfp
팔로우 391, Rank 20,953 유저가 15,000 디젠씩 매일 받았다? 제가 알기론 랭킹 100정도 들어야 15,000 디젠 받는 걸로 알고 있는데요, 어떻게 이런 일이 가능한걸까요? 진짜 화가나네요.
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Jiniyum pfp
@jacek @wake.eth Additionally, we strongly urge you to clearly explain on below case. How can 20K ranking user got paid 15,000 degen every day? How can this happen in this fair, no abusing clean community as you said? hard-working users' efforts can be ignored in this community? Is this what you're thinking going forward?
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Jiniyum pfp
워친분들! 지금 부당한 이 사태에 대해 강력하게 항의하지 않으면 지금 밴 안당하신 분들도 마지막까지 살아남을 거라는 보장이 없을 수도 있습니다. 힘을 모아주시기 부탁드립니다.
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Jiniyum pfp
@jacek @wake.eth We strongly request you to explain why most Koreans are banned today and why. There is still no exact rules and announcement made anywhere on ban officially. We invested all our assets including money, time, our efforts etc for degen and community and no reason to be treated like this without any reason.
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Jiniyum pfp
워캐야.. 이제는 사진이니?? 🙄 우리한테 왜 그러는거얌... 매일매일이 서프라이즈네? 하하하 하하하하하하하...아...🔥🔥
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