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Hello everyone at /justbuild, I wanted to take this opportunity to share my thoughts about some of the work that’s been posted here. I’ve only recently started contributing to this channel, but it didn’t take long for me to notice that a small number of people have been using other people’s work without permission. On the one hand, I’m glad that they like my creations enough to want to use them in their own posts. But at the same time, isn’t it common courtesy to ask for permission or at least give credit, rather than passing off someone else’s work as your own? 1/3
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This isn’t just rude, it also goes against the rules of the channel, doesn’t it? I’m not one to report every single incident and bother the admins with every little issue. However, if this kind of thing continues, it’s going to discourage creators and ultimately lower the quality of the channel, possibly leading to its decline. And that’s not something I want to see happen. To the few people who have been using others’ work without permission, I ask you to please listen to your conscience. Act in a way that you can be proud of, not just in front of others, but to yourself. Please, I’m asking you. 2/3
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Cryptovaquita 🛠️🇪🇦
69 $units
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this cast is approved
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was stolen? Surely no one would steal Eggman? 🤣 5.5 $RARE
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