nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Poll: for the rest of 2023, if you had to pick one L2/sidechain to fully commit to in terms of usage, development, culture, etc., which would it be? 1. Optimism 2. Arbitrum 3. Polygon zkEVM 4. zkSync 5. Base 6. Scroll 7. none, can’t do it 8. other
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Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅ pfp
Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅
we obviously would love to support anyone building on base! one other fun fact is if you build on optimism, building on base is identical and will get easier and easier over time. the superchain ftw!
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Joe Petrich πŸŸͺ pfp
Joe Petrich πŸŸͺ
Are there any resources for NFT-focused companies re: Base or another optimism-based chain? It seems like Base is heavily focused on defi so I haven't been giving it much consideration.
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Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅ pfp
Jesse Pollak πŸ”΅
I'm primarily focused on creators and NFTs - folks naturally associate Base with DeFi because Coinbase has historically been financial, but Base is for everyone :) I don't have any dedicated resources off hand, but happy to answer any specific questions. as we come to mainnet, we have lots of creator focused plans :)
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Joe Petrich πŸŸͺ pfp
Joe Petrich πŸŸͺ
2 QQs then (thank you): 1. Any word on Opensea or other marketplace support at launch? 2. Will USDC support base? I have a couple less general questions if you're open to a DM!
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