Jeff pfp



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Jeff pfp
gm farcaster
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Jeff pfp
Cross posting from the bird app. Here are some thoughts on the future of protocols for decentralized money and social:
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Jeff pfp
Any cryptographers here on farcaster paying attention to any of the new stream ciphers from eSTREAM's call in 2004-2008?
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Jeff pfp
Currently on sabbatical studying cryptography and consensus protocols at The Recurse Center. Hoping to build a strong foundation for the lifetime journey up ahead.
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Jeff pfp
Thank you @antonio and @dwr.eth for the Tom Holland and Norman Cohn recommendations on Millenarianism. Interested to learn the similarities between the middle ages’ rapture and 2023’s ai safety movements.
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Jeff pfp
. @jaypatel and I were catching up in person, one of the topics that came up for web3 was gaming ofc. @blobs has been for us so far - so dope that I can a bucket hat on my blob as an nft. What’s the incentive for big titles like Zelda to build things on chain? Mainstream doesn’t care about decentralization.
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Jeff pfp
Finished the stack on the left, moving to the stack on the right. Please let me know any important reads I'm missing.
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