Jay pfp



70 Following

Jay pfp
getting pregnant appears to be way harder than advertised having a baby (3 mos in) is way, way better than I expected anyone else blindsided by narrative vs. reality on this?
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Jay pfp
What nickname will Trump give RFK?
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Jay pfp
anyone have any tips to get off the waitlist for GPT-4 API access? we're connected to 3.5 and the results we get on 4 via the UI are 100x better
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Jay pfp
has anyone created an app that lets you upload your contacts and see who you know on the no fly list?
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Jay pfp
got caught up on @moz good stuff all the way through but I especially appreciate when @pmarca is on giving a live countdown of how few listeners are still paying attention đź’€
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Jay pfp
crossposting obo @letterman https://twitter.com/letterman/status/1606697557454831616
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Jay pfp
every time farcaster demands to be updated a crypto billionaire mysteriously dies
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Jay pfp
deion the elon of football https://twitter.com/barstoolsports/status/1599585003448725504?s=20&t=naodAfkIT02lrwdTemcWdw
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Jay pfp
anyone have an honest and thoughtful review of the sex tape? curious to see what people liked or might have changed
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