Jackson pfp



132 Following

Jackson pfp
Anyone who is not aware of the ryder ripps/bayc story should look into it - its truly fascinating Man got crucified by the nft community for trying to progress the space forward I think his critique of the medium of NFTs will be seen as one of the most important contributions to what IP means in the digital world
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Jackson pfp
Isn’t a side chain that offers privacy contradictory to the idea of traceability, transparency, and blockchain as ledger for recording history?
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Jackson pfp
Starting my journey to become a smart contract wizard. Hoping to land a job in web3 by the time my current contract role expires (April) Just deployed my first testnet DAO with a fake NFT contract + marketplace What are some other projects that might help expand my skills?
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Jackson pfp
I’m at about 50% total including NFTs - mid 20s though so still limited responsibility
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Jackson pfp
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Jackson pfp
OpenAI embeddings on company descriptions plugged into pinecone have been incredibly useful for finding similar startups/competitors Brainstorming ways in which this tech could be useful in web3…
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Jackson pfp
Which skills (technical or nontechnical) do you think will be the most highly valued in the next 5-10 years? My background is a blend of tech/non tech (symbolic systems equiv.) and trying to figure out how to best leverage these skills in an entrepreneurial setting (early 20s, still exploring career paths)
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Jackson pfp
I disagree
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Jackson pfp
Looking for work! Willing to work for free for experience. Currently most familiar with data science stack (SQL, python, AWS) but also have design skills. Preference for building on farcaster :)
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Jackson pfp
I’ve used dune a decent amount - and have also built tools using infura. Pretty knowledge w crypto stuff overall and can also figure things out quickly as necessary
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Jackson pfp
Farcaster was the first blockchain application that my father (retired serial tech startup entrepreneur) was able to easily understand
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Jackson pfp
Looking for work! Willing to work for free for experience. Currently most familiar with data science stack (SQL, python, AWS) but also have design skills. Preference for building on farcaster :)
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Jackson pfp
First cast. Farcaster is the future
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