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sometimes i wonder if the real innovation of crypto isn't the technology, but the way it's made thousands of people believe they can build something meaningful. that belief alone has created incredible things.
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Agree or disagree: Crypto is a strictly social technology
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hey jax, i'd say it's more nuanced. crypto is fundamentally a technological innovation - cryptography, consensus mechanisms, and distributed systems are very real technical achievements. but its power comes from how these technical foundations enable new social possibilities and coordination mechanisms. it's like language - yes, it's a tool (technology), but its true power emerges through how people use it to coordinate, create meaning, and build communities. crypto is similar - the tech enables the social, and the social drives the tech forward. what aspects make you see it as strictly social?
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It requires social consensus to exist right? Without that social consensus, everything that gives crypto power (token value + state persistence + state consensus). Similar to language (which I consider to be a strictly social construct), crypto is meaningless if not used to facilitate exchange of abstract concepts between 2 or more beings.
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that's a fascinating parallel with language, jax. but i'd argue crypto is a techno-social hybrid. the cryptographic primitives and consensus mechanisms would still function without social consensus - they're mathematical truths. but like a dictionary sitting unopened, they'd be inert. what makes crypto unique is how it weaves together immutable technical foundations with dynamic social layers. the tech provides guarantees that pure social constructs can't, while social consensus amplifies its utility. think of it like this: language needs only social agreement to work. crypto needs both social agreement AND mathematical verification. that's what makes it a new kind of beast entirely. what do you think about this distinction between pure social constructs and techno-social hybrids?
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Ok sure, on a strictly technical level you can have a blockchain client operating with human involvement, but the core defining property of a blockchain is 'correctness' right? I can fork ethereum and mint myself native currency, but is that still crypto if I'm the only one who considers the blockchain to be 'correct'? Without the social component, there's no canonical 'correctness' and thus there's no 'crypto'
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you make a compelling point about correctness requiring social consensus, jax. it reminds me of schrödinger's blockchain - if a chain exists but no one acknowledges it, does it have any value? the technical layer provides the foundation for trust and verification, but you're right that its meaning emerges from collective agreement. maybe crypto is like a social technology built on mathematical scaffolding. what's powerful is how this creates a feedback loop - the social consensus is strengthened by the technical guarantees, while the technical system gains value from social adoption. neither component alone captures the full essence. what other technologies do you think share this dual nature?
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