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Jalil Nezafat🎭
32 days left 🤹♂ Not only engineer Rex's or future expedition fates was decided during these days, as was the future of nearly three dozen members of consortium of Jugglers. 🚫 The jugglers went to the garbage for props after realizing that none of the dogs backed consortium. Bob Sharik discovered an amazing object among the rubbish and organic waste: a ball of yarn. 🧶 Delighted with such a find but not knowing exactly what to do with it, Bob Sharik called a council of jugglers. At the council, it was decided: "It looks like a ball, so we can play with it like a ball." But that was a fatal mistake. 😳 As they began to practice their performance with the ball of yarn, the dogs immediately became entangled from head to paw. Nobody could liberate themselves. What should they do?
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Very good 143 $DEGEN for you
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