Michael Blau pfp
Michael Blau
Has anyone designed an onchain standard for personal NFT "display preferences"? It would be helpful to have a way to select, organize, and filter NFTs you want to display onchain so that any social app or display layer can pull from this canonical onchain source to determine which NFTs to show on your profile.
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jacob pfp
we have that with zora themes onchain! and are utilized by a few platforms/wallets to show up specifically. zora mint page: https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xba3a690c99e5f2728d6dda85582b242f4db6a098/18 tokenchat: https://tokenchat.co/collection/zora:0xba3a690c99e5f2728d6dda85582b242f4db6a098/18
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Michael Blau pfp
Michael Blau
Super interesting going to dig in! May DM you with questions haha
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