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$KAT tipping allowances are completely offline from devs. I'm livid. I don't know if tips sent today will be valid or when things will be back up. I've taken a snapshot of holders. If you're one of these 30 people, leave a reply. I have some 🦄 floaties for you.
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Jack Lhasa
Wtf. I slide out of the top 5 because I dislike Warpcast. Oh well. You’ve always been awesome to me Kat. Still not sure I belong here though. It’s just not me.
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On here, people get paid daily for their cast engagement as well as tips, mints, rounds, and bounties. It’s lot to learn, but no one is forcing you. We’re just trying to help. I'm not sure what you mean by top 5? This is a list of people that I've granted allowances to on Farcaster. I haven’t touched allowances. It all went down last night. The devs didn’t communicate anything to me or anyone else. I bought floaties using my own money to send people a little gift because I don’t know what else to do 🦄x5
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Jack Lhasa
I wasn’t complaining Kat. You e been amazing since we first met. All my interactions with the group have also been great. I was looking at the p00ls page when I wrote this, unaware of how they’d treated you most recently. When you say people get paid daily, do you mean in $KAT? I wasn’t referring to $KAT in the original message. Other than $degen I’ve never received crypto here. I take responsibility for that because of my reluctance and my health. With so many things contributing, and no documentation explaining it, FC seems like the perfect place to get ripped off. I was very active months ago, well before you got me to come back. There were no benefits, no interaction with others, and a complicated interface, which is why I left. My experience then is no doubt coloring my efforts now.
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$kat is a pointless token on Polygon. You haven’t gotten engagement here because you don’t have a power badge and you’re not casting into channels. The starfire hypersub and channel fix that. You’ll have more visibility when you cast here. There are /bounties you can do. There are /rounds you can participate in. You can 💩 post memes and earn tips. You’re earning a little Moxie right now because I’ve liked your casts. I also just tipped you floaties, which are $tn100x, and those are already in your wallet on the ham chain. Go to and look. Check out the essays I have pinned in my web3 gallery. All this info and more is in there. 🦄x5
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