Javier Rios
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Javier Rios
Here’s a quick look at the final funding distribution for "The Grinder’s Fund," part of @ryscheng's and my submission for ETHGlobal SF: AutoRetroFunding 👀 We’ll share more in an upcoming blog post, but for now, we’ve also got some additional metrics available: https://github.com/opensource-observer/ethglobal-sf-2024/blob/main/insights/ethglobal-sf-2024.ipynb
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Javier Rios
Exciting times ahead 👀
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Raymond Cheng
Excited to share our ETHGlobal SF submission from last weekend with @jabolo https://ethglobal.com/showcase/autoretrofunding-bxy5k We built an automatic retro funding platform (AutoRF). With it you, can 1. Setup a funding pool 2. Share a signup link with eligible projects 3. The app automatically configures a continuous stream of funding weighted by impact metrics from OSO via @splits With it we launched a $1000 Grinder's Fund to retroactively reward the hardest working teams at the hackathon. Try it out yourself here! https://retrofunding.vercel.app/
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Javier Rios
It has been a rewarding weekend building our Retro Funding app @ EthGlobal SF. Little to no sleep though, but it was worth it! I can also tell you that @ryscheng definitely was grinding
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Javier Rios
Did you know that Open Collective has facilitated a whopping `$446,095,480.71` in deposits to organizations, causes, and projects? That’s enough to buy around `5` tons of gold at $2,600/oz! Unlock fascinating insights about Open Collective and more with our free public datasets at Open Source Observer!
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