Jaack pfp



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Jaack pfp
This email almost got me Be careful out there
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Jaack pfp
Yesterday we got two more explorer deals in. It’s getting harder and harder by the day to convince new chains to use a full-featured explorer, bc: - they are abstracted from actual chain creation using RaaS and/or infra providers - they don’t see the value in providing state of the art dev tooling
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Jaack pfp
I thought I would bring a piece of farcon / farcaster to my wife
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Jaack pfp
Since early last year, I've grown obsessed over making a sustainable business out of a block explorer. Block explorers are perceived as a public good, but someone has to pay for them, in one way or another, because they're a critical piece of infra. It's like RPC nodes: how can one access the blockchain w/o it?
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Jaack pfp
Back home - now I need to rest A LOT @checkin
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Jaack pfp
Am I the only european that already got back? 😂 @checkin https://app.checkincaster.xyz/m/IkJXd2SlscqoyP
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Jaack pfp
Wow, Santa Monica. Wow, LA. You got me.
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Jaack pfp
This is my 'dessert': some grape, cheese (that I can't eat), some marmalade and some crackers. I couldn't get the ice cream, or the cheesecake, bc of course.. I feel discriminated, it's not like I like not to eat milk - I can't, it does bad to my whole body.
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Jaack pfp
This is the meal I got in-flight when asked for a non-lactose diet. Like, not even bread. It seems a bit too much. I'm not vegan, I can't can't eat milk-based food..
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Jaack pfp
I found myself ordering on DoorDash multiple times when in LA bc most (good) vegan restaurants were 5-6 miles away, and I don't understand why I need to go so far away, even outside Santa Monica / Venice.
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Jaack pfp
Last week I found out I'm lactose-intolerant, so I quickly got paranoid ab eating anything w/ milk, cheese, etc. Coming 2 LA @ farcon, I thought I could have it easy to eat good food w/o lactose. But it turns out I was wrong. This is channel's for those who, like me, wantna eat like everyone, just w/o lactose.
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Jaack pfp
It seems like I got in, thanks to Picklecon and the 5K I wanted to get 24 hours late to the party
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Jaack pfp
OK after Farcon I had to create a folder on my browser to collect the growing list of useful links I'm visiting every week. And Warpcast is pinned - for now, until I find a more suitable client for my needs.
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Jaack pfp
The issue with block explorers right now is that there are two types: the ones that compete with etherscan, and the ones that want to innovate so much that it's hard to see it as a 'block' explorer anymore. Etherscan won't be good for everyone forever, but it is now. Traction is key,.
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Jaack pfp
Is there a way to support Nook development? Are you fundraising? The client shows potential!
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Jaack pfp
Going back home - it’s been a blast, see you at Farcon III! (Hopefully in LA again?) @checkin https://app.checkincaster.xyz/m/VVCTkt3wMuUsxE
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Jaack pfp
Farcon got me to 1.4k followers! Thanks!
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Jaack pfp
check the receipts 🧾 ******************** Many small and bigger workouts this week - Farcon didn't slow me down: it fueled more workouts!
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Jaack pfp
check the receipts 🧾 ******************** Proof of 5K, 24 hours late Now, straight to the airport. Farcon's been fun, and it's been maybe the only conference where sports was part of the deal 😍
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Jaack pfp
I didn’t flopsy today, so I’m very tired now, but I’ll flopsy all day tomorrow in-flight.
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