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Let's take a 🤏moment to explore the ittybits connection in @ambervittoria's upcoming drop: Vittybits Our unique silhouettes serve as a subtle canvas upon which every Vittybit emerges in vibrant form. 👇🧵
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You might not know this, but all 10K unique ittybits reduce down to just 579 unique silhouettes. Some silhouettes are common, like silhouette #0006—shared by 811 different ittybits.
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But here's where things get interesting: 171 silhouettes in the original ittybits collection are ultra-rare, existing as complete 1-of-1s.✨
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This silhouette rarity translates directly to Vittybits. If your original ittybit silhouette was a 1-of-1, it remains uniquely rare in Vittybits.
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Shared silhouettes? Each one is identified by the lowest-numbered original ittybit. This creates a fascinating ancillary rarity consideration—the higher the silhouette ID# in the Vittybits trait, the more likely it is to represent rare 1-of-1 shapes. Silhouette #9962 (pictured here alongside it's ittybit source) is the highest ID# unique silhouette.
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While silhouettes form the subtle framework, @ambervittoria's vibrant gradients are the real magic, giving each shape vivid new life. 63 nature-inspired gradients with their own rarity considerations will bring new life to all 10K ittybits silhouettes next week. If you haven't already, register for a spot on the free-mint Allowlist to take part in this experience!
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