IP Nerd
Holding Company is a circular economy that harvests concepts and funnels through a tri-royalties systems to huge capital formulation pyramids. 8th layer of Communitywatchers building oversight that watches the 7 layers of the value chain. Top 5 live off the land and the bottom 2 plant seeds on others land looking for harvest rewards. The connection points are Community-IdeaCubed-CapitalFormulation defined as the 🔺 offense designed to score points through player movement and getting everyone involved. The ⭕️ defense is the transparency resulting in reputation brokers selling our virtues or our sins in competitive marketplace of free thought. Deals above the PRIMELINE is the alpha Ponzi regulatory defense. Products & services $ that not based on the expectations of profits of initial investment is the beta defense. This model clearly passes 3 prongs of the Howie & the 4th prong is inherently gray area since original investors often expect profits off own efforts when merged with the efforts of others.
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