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Invocaré Villana


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Invocaré Villana
What is needed to make a good movie? A space, a great script, and two good actresses is all that "Conversations About Hate" (2022) required to create a story that is fun, distressing, and captivating at the same time. It is proof that cinema does not need much paraphernalia to have an impact on the audience.
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Invocaré Villana
It's Friday, and I'm in the mood to listen to Morphine.
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Invocaré Villana
Recommendation of the day: Little Shop of Horrors (1986), a comical and macabre musical that is enjoyed even by those who abhor musicals.
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Invocaré Villana
GM! Do you have some spare time while commuting to work or waiting for lunch? Take advantage of that time by reading 'Memory Full,' the first story in the 'Desiring Machines' Tales' collection.
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Invocaré Villana
GN! I invite you to read my first short story published on Zora as part of a collection called Desiring Machines' Tales. 'Memory Full' was originally written in Spanish and has been translated into English. I hope you enjoy it, and if not, please share your opinion and consider trying some of the stories I will publish in the future.
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Invocaré Villana
GN! If you're in the mood to see how legal conflicts and the workings of justice are represented in fiction, I recommend my favorite courtroom movies: "12 Angry Men" (1957), "Thank You for Smoking" (2005), and "Anatomy of a Fall" (2023).
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Invocaré Villana
What do Argentina and South Korea have in common? Cinema provides a possible answer. "The Owners" and "Parasite", differ in narrative style and the context in which the events take place but are similar in terms of their plot: working families trying to take advantage of the excessive abundance of their employers.
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Invocaré Villana pfp
Invocaré Villana
Salgo de mi casa para estar incomoda, para salir de la ilusión del confort. La tierra entera podría ser mi casa, pero me enseñaron a temer al afuera. El mundo gira porque hay más creación que destrucción. Aunque el sufrimiento haga mucho más ruido que la felicidad. La seguridad y el miedo que nos venden es humo.
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Invocaré Villana
GM! I am happy to share with you a new drop from my collection of bilingual film reviews, spoiler-free. This time, I delve into "Significant Other" (2022), directed by Robert Olsen and Dan Berk. Enjoy the review, immerse yourself in the film, and relish forming your own opinion about this cinematic experience.
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Invocaré Villana
I thought cinema could no longer tell the events of WWII in new ways until I saw The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom, 2023). This film, with its slow and sinister rhythm, uses metaphorical imagery and interplay with music and sound to depict a genocide from the remnants and the normalization of horror.
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Invocaré Villana
Gm! I am preparing my next drop on Zora, and I decided it was a good time to experiment with digital drawing. This image is part of the result of my first attempt; I hope it doesn't hurt your eyes, ha, ha.
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Invocaré Villana
Otra noche de vagabundeo, charlo con personas que nunca más veré. Tanteo mi tolerancia al frío. Resisto contra el sueño. Mezclo vicios. Coqueteo con la paranoia. Juego con los límites de mi cuerpo y de mi mente. La inexplicable necesidad de danzar con la muerte para reanimar el deseo de vivir.
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Invocaré Villana pfp
Invocaré Villana
Gn! Is the weekend coming up and you need a comedy to make you forget for a while that the end of the world is approaching? I recommend watching the 2022 French film 'Babysitter' (directed by Monia Chokri). It's a satire on gender roles that also addresses topics like family relationships and some issues of human desire."
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Invocaré Villana
Diana the jailer and Michael the prisoner. Michael:- Please, let me go. Diana:- Never, stay put. Michael:- Help me, human.
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Invocaré Villana
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin, one of the best novels I'd ever read. Love you Le Guin, you are life to Literature.
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Invocaré Villana
GM! Do you want to experience a movie that's exasperating, funny, nightmarish, and captivating all at once? Then I recommend you watch 'Sick of Myself' (directed by Kristoffer Borgli and released in 2022, Norway), and be amazed at how terrifying the pursuit of recognition from others can be.
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Invocaré Villana
Hi! I'm excited to share with you my review of When Evil Lurks (2023) directed by Demián Rugna, spoiler-free. The first publication in a collection of bilingual film reviews. I hope you enjoy it and, most importantly, that it encourages you to watch the movie and formulate your own conclusions.
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Invocaré Villana
Hi! I like to experiment with different kinds of art. I'm looking forward to sharing some of the text I've written, along with some of my experiences with electronic music and drawing. I'm excited to explore this network, meet new artists, and get involved in new projects. Greetings from BA, Argentina!
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