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This is the correct size of urban street. How many places in the USA look like this? I can only name a few.
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It's how cities should be designed. Human scale.
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Exactly! 🎯
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Sub-consciously this is why made the move to Europe.
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Ohhhh I have strategy questions for you then. Did you find a job first or pick a place first? Feel free to dm if you're up for chatting more about it sometime.
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In retrospect it was manifested. Visited Berlin for the first time in 2004 and knew about people who moved to it from New York. But had no clue how to do it. It took about four years, which upon reflection was not that long in the grand scheme of things. The journey seems rather to me unique and probably not a formula. But happy to share it with you if it helps! Where do you live now?
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Love that! For us it was a bike tour in 2018 through Netherlands, Northern Germany (Hamburg), and Denmark that really started the itch. We live in Kansas, USA, and it's home, but feel like healthcare costs, childcare costs, and car culture are all just killing us slowly.
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