Idan Levin ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
Idan Levin ๐ŸŽฉ
Funny that people view yield farming as 'free money' that doesn't make sense, but when Youtube/Google/TikTok hosts their videos and content for free, it sounds legit.
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Elie pfp
Well the business is clear there. YouTube makes money on ads
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Idan Levin ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
Idan Levin ๐ŸŽฉ
and the business of a DEX/ DeFi app isn't?
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Elie pfp
Depends. If thereโ€™s a fee for a trade and you earn a dividend then thatโ€™s clear where the money is coming from. Although very different to YouTube. If youโ€™re getting rewarded for staking itโ€™s also clear where itโ€™s coming from but itโ€™s also clear that many will lose money when price crashes.
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