ccarella pfp
The market of people willing to free mint is so so much bigger than those who will pay $1 and that’s the new alpha to spread your art and ideas around.
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Nick Smith pfp
Nick Smith
I’m still really conflicted about artists effectively valuing their work at zero even with the potential of protocol fees. Something feels wrong about it
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ccarella pfp
It depends how you are thinking of value. Soulquest would have made more eth and had more than an order of magnitude of fans as a free mint.
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Nick Smith pfp
Nick Smith
Yeah that was in the back of our minds and we considered a free mint, but the idea of saying “I want your attention and the value of the work is secondary” doesn’t feel right. Call me toxically optimistic but I believe the promise of web3 is to find new models to value art, not recreate the attention economy
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Nick Smith pfp
Nick Smith
I’m not discounting the massive innovation that Zora have introduced with protocol fees, and I’m sure my thinking will evolve on this issue in the future
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iman, the icon.  pfp
iman, the icon.
i joined farcaster just to retweet this.
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