Httpz pfp



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Httpz pfp
/farcaster The Frame validator seems to be helpful once you have some code to test, but if it was a sandbox like remix, that would be even better-- are there plans to add a full support 'frame editor'? @dwr.eth
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Httpz pfp
Does anyone know of an on-chain equivalent to DocuSign? Something that has a built-in PDF-viewer and sims ‘wet ink’ signatures in the same fashion?
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Httpz pfp
Have any teams paid back their on-chain points in a native token, yet? That means no governance token, just the protocol that now exists, and a one-time payout of native token as a thank-you for helping bootstrap and grow the pie.. Who, if so? How was it received by the community?
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Httpz pfp
I’ll be posting frames here weekly to document my learnings as a not-new-but-newly-serious ISA. Stay tuned for free access to my personal notes 📝
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Httpz pfp
Thanks @nick for the invite, appreciated🫡
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