Hossein  pfp



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Hossein  pfp
Streamz Score Checker
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Hossein  pfp
Dreaming of a classroom that sparks creativity and engagement? Design your space with flexibility in mind! Movable furniture allows for group work and activity areas, while designated zones with bright colors and inspirational decor can spark student interest in different subjects.
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Hossein  pfp
$DEGEN stats by @ds8 Check Your Status
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Hossein  pfp
Programming languages are described in terms of their syntax (form) and semantics (meaning), usually defined by a formal language. Languages usually provide features such as a type system, variables and mechanisms for error handling.
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391 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Mint a-captivating-artistic-masterpiece-where-an-enchan-ne0ZjHV_Sg-xdzx0kEqq8w-6dlgCGVkQ4aDN8I67C2BHA
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Hossein  pfp
Want to turn your digital creation into a collectible? You can mint an NFT (Non-fungible Token) by choosing your digital file (image, video, etc.), selecting a blockchain platform, setting up a crypto wallet, picking an NFT marketplace to sell on, and uploading your file to be minted into a unique, verifiable token!
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197 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Feeling uninspired by your space? Help me design my dream room! Tell me your favorite color schemes, furniture finds, and creative layout ideas. Bonus points for tips on maximizing small spaces or incorporating unique hobbies!
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328 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Mint Farther - LineArt is the new LineArt
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Hossein  pfp
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Hossein  pfp
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262 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Zora is a unique NFT marketplace that empowers creators. It allows minting NFTs for free,offers user-friendly tools, and positions itself as a "universal media registry protocol" built on the Ethereum blockchain. This means creators can maintain control over their work and even embed perpetual markets within their NFTs
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284 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Unleash your inner designer and create a space that reflects your style! Whether you're craving a cozy reading nook or a bright and airy living room, consider function, furniture arrangement, and color palettes to bring your dream room to life.
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275 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Keeping a sunny side up in crypto? $Optimism is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum aiming for faster and cheaper transactions. With its growing adoption and focus on scaling the future of DeFi, could Optimism be a bright spot in your portfolio? #DeFi #Ethereum #L2 (DYOR)
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256 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Feeling the gym intimidation? Don't sweat it! Whether you're a beginner or a gym rat, there's a place for you. Start with a full-body routine focusing on major muscle groups, listen to your body, and gradually increase weight or intensity. You'll be amazed at how strong and confident you feel
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236 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Arbitrum is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that aims to improve transaction speed and cost efficiency without sacrificing the security of the Ethereum network. It uses a technology called optimistic rollups to bundle transactions together and process them off-chain, reducing the load on the Ethereum mainnet
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233 reactions

Hossein  pfp
$DEGEN stats by @ds8
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167 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Crypto, short for cryptocurrency, is a digital form of money designed to work without a bank or government controlling it. Transactions are secured through cryptography on a decentralized computer network. While popular for its use in online transactions, crypto can be a volatile investment.
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155 reactions

Hossein  pfp
The digital art world has been shaken by the high price of NFTs, with the most expensive one, "The Merge" by Pak, selling for a whopping $91.8 million! This fragmented collection of digital tokens highlights the potential value some see in NFTs, but it also sparks debate about whether they're artistic masterpieces.
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167 reactions

Hossein  pfp
Oh, guys! Don't miss it. Just discovered $FOMO Airdrop just for staking $FOMO by @tocd. Min. Stake amount is 12 $FOMO (~$0.1). Definitely worth checking this out. Do you want to get bigger? Take 10,000 $FOMO on Uniswap and claim it instantly. Buy $FOMO on Uniswap: https://theoldcastle.xyz/buy_fomo 10000 $FOMO!
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3 reactions

Hossein  pfp
TOCD (@tocd) Bought Back OVER 270,000 $FOMO tokens. Guess where the price will go? BuyBack increases the $FOMO (/omof) price. It makes $FOMO difficult to acquire. $FOMO is available for staking and trading paired with $DEGEN Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance
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