Hetty nkenchor
Happy Sunday Do you find yourself feeling insecure or sad as you constantly compare your life to others? It's a common struggle for many, but don't let that be your story. It's important to remember that you are not meant to compete with anyone else. You have been uniquely created and gifted by God to fulfill your own purpose. Your race in life is not against others. Instead of getting caught up in comparisons, focus on embracing who you are and the path you are meant to walk. God has given you the grace to be true to yourself and to follow the calling placed upon your life. Rather than allowing comparison to steal your joy, recognize that the world is full of beauty, including the unique qualities that make you who you are. God has given you words as tools for change; words are the tools of authority. Your words are just as valuable as your status, your words would work on the issues in your life.
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