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Here's live-read for a Japanese book translated "Declaration of Localism - From Growth to Steady". H/t @vgr and his pandemic live reads where he live tweeted books as he was reading them. Cast threads UX is nowhere perfect and I'm hoping they become perfect over time.
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The author is a Japanese Philosopher, public thinker, educator, cultural critic named Tatsuru Uchida. The book is a collection of 10 essays / 10 ppl / 10 diff industries. Shared topic was population decline.
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When the book was published in 2017, JP was 10 years into discussing and putting forth solutions for population decline. Way ahead of the curve ๐ฑ The preface is his overarching take on pop decline which he views as a civ prob that's not limited only to JP.
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For JP their pop is expected to drop from 127m to 60m, a 50% decrease over 80 years. He doesn't believe pop decline is a problem Govt or anyone can respond at scale once in motion. Pop decline is followed by shrinking mkt and existing biz models having to change or dying.
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At the time of writing, there was no national discussion around what form JP would end up with due to pop decline. I wonder what the influence of Covid is to pop decline and if he thinks any differently.
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On top of pop decline, he fears AI taking jobs. JP gets to choose their poison that they're first up to bat. He wasn't sure what industries would lose their job first but predicted manufacturing and services. If I replaced "pop decline" with "climate" the tone would sound more of less the same. Similar BIG prob.
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