Hermine Bourdin pfp
Hermine Bourdin
Since several weeks I’ve been very honored to work on a special phygital project in the sculpture studio of the French National Opéra (where they craft all the sets in Bastille). Can’t wait to share some more #nft #performance #digitalart
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Maria Fynsk Norup 🎩🔵 pfp
Maria Fynsk Norup 🎩🔵
Oh wauw what a space! 😍🤍👌🏼
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🌸 lonliboy 🌸 🎩 pfp
🌸 lonliboy 🌸 🎩
Stupendous. 400 $DEGEN
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Chris Carlson pfp
Chris Carlson
Hermine!!!!! You’re heeeeere :)
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