Henry-Risk pfp



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Henry-Risk pfp
The stones I picked up and painted as fruits and vegetables are so cute
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Henry-Risk pfp
Pebble Rain Flower Stone Raw Stone Natural Small Stone Fish Tank Flower Pot Goose Soft Stone Courtyard Decoration Horticultural Colorful Stone
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Henry-Risk pfp
There are many beautiful small stones by the seaside of Xianghai Smooth and round polished by seawater Some are flat and flat, while others are round and smooth I can't finish picking it up, I can't even finish picking it up
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Henry-Risk pfp
I am willing to be a pebble, lying quietly on the beach, lazily basking in the sun, and enjoying the beautiful bathing of the seawater. It's just one of the most ordinary, countless pebbles, like all the other pebbles, without any edges or corners. Let's not collide, we won't hurt each other, and we live together in this world that is neither big nor small, living a peaceful life.
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Henry-Risk pfp
The evening sunshine is warm but not intense, and riding a bike on the road feels very comfortable. But the place where the stones were picked up was completely exposed to the sun, with the sun above and the warm pebbles below. There was no place to hide at all. Sigh, I found it myself, will I go pick it up again next time? Still going
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Henry-Risk pfp
The pebbles in the glass jar where grass was planted were all picked up by the newcomer Xiaobai for the first time. They weighed more than ten pounds and couldn't bear to throw them away. They carried them home and washed them thoroughly, putting them in a glass container to plant grass, and were extremely happy
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Henry-Risk pfp
A wonderful use of pebbles - flower arrangement
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Henry-Risk pfp
Pebble art, save all the beautiful stones
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Henry-Risk pfp
There are no beaches in this sea! Only the round and rolling goose warm stones~ They also have a special name called "Ball Stone" After thousands of years of seawater beating Super invincible smooth with patterns! I can really squat by the beach and pick it up all day long
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Henry-Risk pfp
Colorful crystals in mountain streams, flowing water generates wealth, stretching endlessly
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Henry-Risk pfp
The patterns on the rocks are concretized by time
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Henry-Risk pfp
Put it in the left pocket Put it in the right pocket The strange stones on the riverbank Put it in my pocket, it's my treasure Stay on the shore, it's the treasure of the riverbank There are more treasures on the riverbank than mine
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Henry-Risk pfp
The waves beat against the stones, Make a melodious song. Seagulls pass by, the dawn shines, The stone is calm, listening to the call of the sea.
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Henry-Risk pfp
Amethyst is not only a beautiful gemstone, but also has many important mineral properties and effects. It is considered an energy stone that can help people balance their body and mind, promote mental tranquility and meditation, and also have the effects of relieving stress, improving focus, and increasing creativity.
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Henry-Risk pfp
Weekend. I found many cute little stones by the river.
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Henry-Risk pfp
When stacked together, it is ordinary and unremarkable After getting wet, it shows its beautiful original form
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Henry-Risk pfp
This is the artwork of Spanish sculptor Jose Manuel Castro Lopez. Inspired by the natural forms of granite and quartzite, he carved and polished them, making hard stones soft like water. His imagination and creativity are truly amazing!
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Henry-Risk pfp
It looks much more beautiful to the naked eye than the picture, super beautiful Several different levels of green Sparkling, sparkling, translucent, beautiful to the point of shock Why not thank all the scenery for your eyes
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Henry-Risk pfp
Glass Sea, that's the beach I've always wanted to go to
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Henry-Risk pfp
It's not like shooting a sea view or an object, but rather like taking a portrait of a rock, revealing its different aspects of face, features, and personality. Its mood seems to change with the light, weather, and season. Perhaps its changes will also echo my own emotions
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