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TimeTree 🌳 pfp
TimeTree 🌳
(1/3)🧵 @jacek ✅️ Someone needs to tell you truth The reason 99% of people buy $Degen is not to reward high-quality contents. Warpcast already has "Pay" feature. (There is no need to buy $Degen and lock it up for 3 months) If someone really wants to say thank you, they can use that feature. Isn't it? The reason many people participate is to make money. If this isn't a volunteer organization, it's the same as any other project. So many people will reward some of their allowances with really good content, but they'll want some of their allowance back. Of course, 1% of participants will do it the way you want. But they also have a purpose. This may be to promote their own projects or market themselves. For really pure purposes, you can simply use the Pay function as I said above. You can't find a way because this is an inconvenient truth. So you keep thinking about Parts I, II, III + @mcdegen, but you yourself realize that it's like throwing everyone out. Everyone has a little bit of it.
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TimeTree 🌳 pfp
TimeTree 🌳
(2/3) Of course, farmers who farm too openly ruin the ecosystem. (I agree to oust them and ban them) But damaging all holders who make even the slightest effort to get rid of them destroys all trust. The reason I tell you this truth is because if you continue to act the way you are now without realizing the reality, you will end up burning down all that while trying to catch bed bugs. Before you criticize $Degen Holder, please look back at yourself. 1. In order to increase the buying price, they are encouraged to buy degen to receive a large amount of allowance 2. In order to reduce selling pressure, a lock-up is induced for 3 months. 3. But you absolutely hate it when participants make money. You only want to tip high-quality content to keep bringing in new participants There are other good coins, but these are the people who chose $Degen. Please respect the holders who believe in and support your project.
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TimeTree 🌳 pfp
TimeTree 🌳
(3/3) ✅️ You have two options 1️⃣ Ending the tip and giving everyone the benefit and confidence to hold $Degen 2️⃣ To encourage everyone to naturally tip high-quality content, you need to provide tippers with other rewarding benefits If you pursue ideals without facing reality, you will eventually become a dictator.
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hellena pfp
자기 돈을 3개월간 예치해서 기부 행위를 하라는데 신규 유입이 되냐고 ㅎㅎ
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TimeTree 🌳 pfp
TimeTree 🌳
맞습니다 행님 ㅠ
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hellena pfp
앞 뒤 말들이 모두 모순인데 그걸 깨닫아야하는데... 유럽 동쪽이라 그런지 유토피아를 꿈꾸는 공산주의 경제 꿈꾸던 시절 그런 느낌이야.. 어릴때 그쪽 교육을 받았을수도 있고... 결국 생산력 저하로 다 같이 망하는 결과인건데ㅋ
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TimeTree 🌳 pfp
TimeTree 🌳
참 그러게유.. 본인 혼자 디젠 가치를 만든거라 생각하나 봐유 멋대로입니다.. 모두가 리스크 걸며 자기돈 묶고 기부하는 행위가 가능할 거라고 생각한다는게 참
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hellena pfp
현실을 보지 못하는 이상주의자지... 신규 유입 제로... 자기돈 투자한 사람 모두 나갈 정책이네 ㅋㅋ 그렇게 디젠 가치가 낮아지면 다 망하는 ㅋㅋ 작년 밴때도 그랬지만 아무래도 그쪽 경제 정책 같아.
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TimeTree 🌳 pfp
TimeTree 🌳
그런가봐요 🤦‍♂️ 가격이 오르면 그냥 있다가 가격만 떨어지면 원칙 기준 다 무시하고 저런식으로 갑자기 나오는데.. 계속 저러면 누가 신뢰할까요
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