Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp

Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO


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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
What do you do when you have no work to do?
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Set up Puffer Ethereum node for only $10 / month and NO TECH SKILLS with Allnodes service and be eligible for possible airdrop! More details in my channel:
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
$BTC lowest historical volatility is a rare opportunity to buy cheap options
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Thats insane #Arbitrum
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
• $ETHFI - EtherFi DAO proposed using up to 50% of protocol revenue for ETHFI buybacks. • Don't forget to choose your Season 2 claiming chain till 26th June.
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Give me $0.4 for $ZK and i'll go to vacation
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Mikhail wrote that since the liquid $CRV deposit is liquidated, there is a veCRV bag left and we will have to focus on increasing the income of the protocol :) Could turn out to be a nice dividend cow that will feed through different phases of the market.
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
gm i'am glad to accumulate a small bag of $CRV and stake it in asdCRV liquid token to get dividends (45% APR rn) from one of the most fundamental defi protocol
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Accumulated some cheap $CRV from Michael today morning. Not 3M, of course... 😁
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Mint Farcaster: Kangaroo
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
zkGM 😘
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
If you deposit USDC / USDe on Infinex till 13th, you will got 25% BOOST in 2nd company "Craterun" with crates (lootboxes). It's good airdrop farming opportunity and you need to act now.
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
How do you think what ZkSynk will present us this week: TGE or quests?
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
See no images here w/o VPN. Who can i ping to fix it?
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Recomend you to learn about new privacy project Quilibrium and set up a node
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
@coinlistofficial released the new interface
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Claude from Anthropic is one of the best performing GPT models, according to MMLU benchmark. Many specialists choose Claude instead of ChatGPT in texting tasks. What do you choose more often?
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
💰🤝 Pendle acquired 1M #ARB Arbitrum STIP grant Let the farm begin!
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Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO pfp
Alexandr Pro DeFi @ veDAO
Connext is now ✨ Everclear: The First Clearing Layer ✨ It's like rollup for the bridges. Aggregating bridge intents and settle them via a dutch auction. Everclear is an Arbitrum orbit L2, launched with Gelatonetwork RaaS. It uses Hyperlane and Eigenlayer to connect to other chains.
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