Hari 🎩✈️
For those of you who have been working with ID Mint or Post-Purchase Phaver since 23, it is now time to bear fruit. When Lens was released, SocialFi was not yet well-known in the field. @farcaster It seems to have quickly melted into the crypto market, starting with . Phaver and other https://warpcast.com/~/channel/lens Most ddaps can work in conjunction with farcaster, so they have the advantage of being able to perform multi-point farming naturally.
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Hari 🎩✈️
Let's find out a few things: First of all, you must have an ID nft to use the lensprotocol. https://opensea.io/collection/lens-protocol-profiles 1. Web3 SNS @phaverapp will make a new start with http://SOCIALDAO.AI from January 25. You can check related information at https://t.co/d2VaATvCgW. 2. https://app.t2.world You earn points by reading or writing various posts. 3. https://0xppl.com/home?feed=posts Posting is possible at the same time as farcast.
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