Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp

Abdulfatai Haoliyat


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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Supporting artists has never been easier thanks to Zora. Buy, sell, and trade NFTs on a platform that values creativity. #NFTs #ArtRevolution #Zora"
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
The NFT space is booming, and Zora is at the forefront with its innovative approach to digital art ownership. #BlockchainArt #Zora
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
TIL: You can use the `:is()` pseudo-class in CSS to simplify complex selectors. This is a game-changer for writing cleaner code! ✨ #CSS #WebDevTips
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Loving the new DevTools in Chrome 90! The new performance insights are making it so much easier to optimize our app. ⚡️
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Thomas Edison**: The wizard of Menlo Park lit up the world with the electric light bulb. #Inventor #BrightIdeas
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Steve Jobs**: Revolutionized tech with the Apple iPhone, blending design with functionality. #Innovation #TechGiant
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." – Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." – William Butler Yeats
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." – Aristotle
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." – Malcolm X
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." – B.B. King
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." – Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
*Transparency**: Transactions are transparent and traceable on the blockchain, ensuring trust between buyers and sellers
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Global Reach**: Artists can reach a global audience without the limitations of traditional art market boundaries
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Community Building**: Zora fosters a community of artists, collectors, and enthusiasts who share a passion for creativity and innovation.
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Innovation in Art Sales**: It introduces innovative ways of selling art, such as fractional ownership and tokenization.
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Ownership Rights**: Artists retain ownership rights over their work, even after it's sold.
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Cultural Preservation**: It helps preserve cultural heritage by providing a platform for artists to showcase traditional and contemporary art forms
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Censorship Resistance**: Since it's decentralized, Zora is resistant to censorship, allowing artists to express themselves freely.
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Abdulfatai Haoliyat pfp
Abdulfatai Haoliyat
Support for Emerging Artists**: It provides support and visibility for emerging artists who may struggle to break into traditional art markets.
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