The Hegel NFT is an exclusive collection launched by the hybrid blockchain ecosystem Swisstronik. This is a collection of exquisite Swiss knives that will be different from each other in some way. The moment that everyone has been waiting for so long has come to an end. Both rounds of the mint are closed. In the round for GTD role holders, 594 NFTs were claimed, and 106 were transferred to the next round. If you are lucky enough to have this role, you have confidently received your Hegel NFT. Thus, by the second round, 406 Hegel NFTs were available to FCFS role holders. This round was designed for speed. And judging by the way it happened, we can say that we had a huge demand for this collection. #SWTR #Layer1 #Swisstronik #CosmosSDK #blockchain #Web3
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@lilita @pinkinha @afishka @marjanamaks @fung93
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