Hạnh Lan pfp
Hạnh Lan
The week 3 submissions summary is here! This week, we have received over 121 submissions from 39 teams! Congratulations to all teams that reached your submission milestone. 💖📝 Only one more week to go! Keep up the good work and may the words flow easily 🩷 Read the full list of all teams' posts ⬇️. Get inspired and show some love to the fellow participants! <https://app.t2.world/article/cm3yq1lpm67296tnmcht3i6hll> https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/0c937eca3a47f0bb7e32288f33f3909d02cef4d706ff8b039096f1b4805acfcd.png
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