gunu pfp



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gunu pfp
오리꽥꽥!! 오늘도 즐거운 하루되세요^^
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gunu pfp
The base uses the Optimism SDK or OP Stack, especially the Bedrock release. The Optimism SDK is a series of modules across consensus, execution, and payment layers that work together for blockchain construction.
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gunu pfp
클라이밍 하기 좋은 날씨네요^^ 여러분은 어떤 운동중이신가요? 요즘은 운동하나쯤은 해야할듯 하네요 ㅋㅋ
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gunu pfp
Rollup and Layer 2 blockchains typically offer very low fees and fast transaction times. Unlike Ethereum, rollup gas fees are usually less than $1; the base requires low gas fees and, like Uniswap, amounts to about $0.02.
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gunu pfp
울산대공원 장미축제를 갔다왔네요 장미보고 월요일 힘들내세요^^
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gunu pfp
Since the base is an optimistic roll-up, it inherits some of Ethereum's security features. It relies on Ethereum to ensure data availability and finality. However, like other Layer 2 solutions, there are additional considerations regarding the concrete implementation of roll-ups and bridges for asset transfer.
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gunu pfp
이상한정원 핑크토끼.. 다들 주말 나들이 다녀오셨나용? 주말마무리 잘하세요^^
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gunu pfp
Security covers a wide range of features. Currently, Base can censor users' transactions. In addition, Base has not yet implemented any real proof-of-fraud features, and uses a set of authorized operators to update the chain.
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gunu pfp
다시 여행가고싶네요.. 하지만 현생은..ㅜ 가까운곳이라도 가봐야겠어요 즐거운주말되세요^^
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gunu pfp
Base has the third highest TVL and native USDC of all rollups. It makes it relatively easy to link Ethereum to assets. To sum up, Base isn't objectively the best Ethereum layer 2, but it benefits in part from EVM compatibility. Even this is partially restricted, but it's one of the most popular rollups on the market.
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gunu pfp
오랜만에 연습하러 닭장왔네요 ㅋ 다들 좋아하는 운동들이 있나요? 골프는 좋지만 어렵네요 ㅋㅋ
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gunu pfp
사람이냐멍 ㅋㅋ 저기 펍 터줏대감이라네요 엄청 순하고 귀엽네요 ㅋ
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gunu pfp
Base blockchains and blockchains typically eliminate this process by transferring cryptocurrency to the accounts of the parties involved. Blockchains bypass intermediaries and additional fees by eliminating intermediaries and creating unified ledgers.
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gunu pfp
다시 가보고싶네요.. 다시봐도 군침도는 갈치조림!! 오늘도 좋은하루 되세요^^
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gunu pfp
The base chain groups off-chain transactions collectively before sending them to Ethereum. This allows base rollups to distribute the cost of posting to Ethereum across a larger group of users. As a result, users can benefit from a fee reduction instead of posting directly to Ethereum.
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gunu pfp
힐링이 필요하네요.. 이번주는 쉬는날도 없고.. 그래도 힘내야겠죠^^
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gunu pfp
The base chain reflects the blockchain's core value of decentralization. We believe that the adoption of companies and institutions will always lead to on-chain. The base is realizing this vision. It's not as decentralized as Ethereum or Bitcoin, but it doesn't necessarily have to be
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gunu pfp
대나무숲을 걷다보면 쉬원해지네요.. 더운여름이 추운겨울보다 나을까요?ㅋ 오늘도 좋은하루 되세요^^
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gunu pfp
Security covers a wide range of features. Currently, Base can censor users' transactions. In addition, Base has not yet implemented any real proof-of-fraud features, and uses a set of authorized operators to update the chain.
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gunu pfp
하늘이 맑네요.. 맑은하늘을 보다보면 가슴이 뻥뚫린것같네요..ㅋ 다들 남은주말 잘보내세요^^
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