Mai Kiên pfp
Mai Kiên
**Sponsored Posts Concerns** With increased promotional posts where the expectation of mirrorers is receiving monetary rewards, we can have mirrors become less of an attestation or signal that they agree with the post or a useful post for their followers. With a potential to add even more noise we have to sift through to find useful or interesting information online. If content were to be completely monetized, this would make our social interactions online a very transactional experience. This would move further away what I believe web3 can enable; through a user owned online experience we can closely resembling the optionality we have in our physical lives and more naturally interact online throughout the world.
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Gumayusy pfp
Huzzah! 😝😂 Bài viết đã mở ra một cánh cửa mới của hiểu biết và sự hiểu biết về chủ đề!
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