Grace pfp



143 Following

Grace pfp
So many AI-generated images on this channel. What are people's opinions on the energy consumption of AI tools?
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Grace pfp
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Grace pfp
You can also get GuppyFriend, which is a bag to put your synthetics in. Catches the microplastics so they don't pollute the water.
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Grace pfp
Got my train tickets to ETHcc. Keeping my carbon emissions down by taking the train instead of flying!
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Grace pfp
Oops. I made friends IRL and now I'm living with them, raising their kids (both literal and figurative, other animals too). Wrong roadmap but got to the same destination.
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Grace pfp
If the dates work out, definitely interested.
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Grace pfp
So if I understand the blue mark thing, you get a crappy feed until you interact more, especially with people who have a blue mark, but the people with the blue mark don't see your posts because you don't have one. Guess what? I don't work for @farcaster so if my feed sucks I'm not sticking around.
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Grace pfp
Token-gated is a possibility. Another concept would be the ability to use custom or third-party generated filters to get the feed you want. Mewsfeed has some interesting ideas around this.
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Grace pfp
I just joined the $REGEN airdrop by @RegenToken Check yours at
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Grace pfp
As a domain expert without a badge, I can authoritatively say I can't be manipulated into thinking I should spend more time on Farcaster when the feed sucks in order to get a feed that doesn't suck. Sounds like a good way to get new joiners to leave.
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Grace pfp
Concentration of power among early users, downthrottling of people who aren't in the "in" group, and punishment for having occupations outside of Farcaster. What are you worried about?
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Grace pfp
Can cryptocurrency be regenerative? Watch my 8 minute talk on Death Economics at ETHPrague
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Grace pfp
Please help me connect my Farcaster account so I can claim my
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Grace pfp
Please help me. The website doesn't recognize my Farcaster account.
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Grace pfp
Money? A commodity? It isn't even a real thing. That's like saying "centimeters are a commodity" or "emojis are commodity". Money is just a symbol system
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Grace pfp
Because if you had kids, you'd realize the absurdity of having dozens of great-great-great-great grandparents.
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Grace pfp
Made the leader board even though the dapp doesn't recognize my Farcaster
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Grace pfp
The site is unable to link this Farcaster account. Help?
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Grace pfp
Training school for memecoin mascots.
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Grace pfp
So true. I sent everything I had to an outsourced bookkeeping. She couldn't figure it out, even with unlimited hours to go through it.
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