Greg Phillips pfp

Greg Phillips


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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
Yes, definitely. I’m personally interested in Base too. I have to iron out some backend issues first (I have my own, non-rate limited L1 archive node, but not for L2s and not sure I can sustainably afford to run my own for all L2s) but once I have a strategy for that then it should be straightforward to add.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
For the last several months, I’ve been working on a new project. I’m proud to share Dexosphere (, a tool designed to explore and analyze on-chain DEX (decentralized exchange) liquidity positions, activity, and performance. We’re starting with @Uniswap V3 on Ethereum Mainnet.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
It could set it based on the preference associated with your payment method
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
Open to suggestions! But, as we speak I'm working on breaking down equity vs. fee returns. Then going to move on to aggregations similar to what you mentioned that I haven't seen elsewhere like average LP size / duration. I also want to look at breakdown of "effective limit order" vs. longer term liquidity behavior.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
It’s still just a prototype, but I’m working toward these kind of analytics at
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
Is meme/acc a thing yet? I think memecoin accelerationism seems like exactly the thing this ecosystem needs to further discover what drives the "fundamental value" of onchain assets, particularly as it pertains to community-driven value accrual.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
Who’s building the crypto-native npm and CDN that prevents supply chain attacks like this Ledger library hack?
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Ali pfp
CTO of Sushi has issued an urgent warning asking users to not connect to ANY dApp, be careful and wait for more information! The malicious Connect Wallet popup is opening on top of the actual modal like this:
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
Seems like there is utility-driven DAU and speculative-driven DAU, but the fundamental/lasting growth/value all comes from growing utility-driven DAU.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
Yeah I guess I’m wondering if AI is going to allow bureaucrats to create and to enforce more rules more efficiently and it does nothing to relieve the organic tendency for bureaucracies to grow over time.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
I'm starting to become concerned that the biggest risk that AI poses is that it becomes a force multiplier of human bureaucracy as opposed to a dismantler of it.
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Greg Phillips pfp
Greg Phillips
I think it's the right short term decision for Uniswap to start charging a front end fee, and I think this is going to be a popular revenue model in the next cycle. However, I don't see how this business model is not cannibalized by alternative/cheaper unofficial frontends if successful.
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