True fucking story nerds I’m depressed but working away in the garden I decide I’m finally gonna go that vegetable patch so LFG Willow, our terrier, is a part of my life so it has to be raised up off of the ground But I realize oh shit that is WAY more space than I have dirt to fill it 🤔 I notice that the neighbor’s garden has some bags of trash and since they have gardens fabric covering the whole thing those are prolly full of leaves from the big tree that drops every year So I bump into him at the grocery store and ask if it is so and it is and since it is I ask if I can have that trash for my garden and since it is trash to him and it is easier to toss over the fence to me than take to the trash adding that it is also valuable to me and less than worthless to him bada-bing bada-boom he comes out today to hand over the goods
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we banter as he hands over the newfound organic wealth Turns out This is his mom’s place, he lives down the block. She’s 92 and don’t never do nothing in the garden So I yeet: Als je moeder nix met de tuin wil, pak ik het zelf wel aan erbij. Ik kan zeker wat voor jullie betekenen We wrap up the hand-hand, He goes in Comes back 5 min later “Het mag van mijn moeder” Its official: I am an earth regenerator and landscape steward Bolt onto that possibility space the fact that our let’s-turn-the-(frontside)courtyard-into-an-urban-garden group has started meeting regularly. and we are on the community garden to Commons pipeline nerds! you can just do things, Permaculture Urbanism in action
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