Godspower Eze
Introducing http://modcc.xyz, a tool for automating repetitive tasks in modern cryptography and zero knowledge research and engineering process. Watch demo 👇 https://www.loom.com/share/4e2e53047b2542d4b79fc0fb10d7f66e?sid=3ef62f87-4e03-4f7c-ab08-8d4f312e0416 The current version focuses on the sumcheck protocol, a fundamental tool for building interactive proof systems. It is used in proof systems like the GKR protocol. With this, you could do the following: - Univariate Lagrange Interpolation - Evaluation of Univariate Polynomials - Multilinear Polynomial Interpolation over the Boolean Hypercube - Evaluation of Multilinear Polynomials - Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation - Evaluation of Multivariate Polynomials All done over a finite field. The goal is to become a repository of tools for automating tasks and showing how complex systems work by coupling smaller components.
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Godspower Eze
But before then, I would need your help answering these questions. As a cryptographer, researcher, or zk engineer, do you find this a tool useful in your process? What are there some tasks you would like automated?
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