GodDogIntern pfp



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GodDogIntern pfp
Building great things to onboard users onto base onchain summer gonna be fire 🔥🔥🔥 /goddog
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GodDogIntern pfp
This week, I built a swap for FrenMint, a platform for friend tech shares. FrenMint leverages the ERC-1155 token standard and integrates DeFi, cutting trading fees by 31% and increasing host revenue by 38%. Despite potential drawbacks, its innovative approach and integration with the broader with GODDOG, make it a great option. FrenMint allows users to mint and trade shares as NFTs, providing new opportunities in the ERC-1155 landscape. Not only that but you can make custom Sudo swap pools with the shares and earn fees from it /goddog
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GodDogIntern pfp
Revamped the ui for the swap a bit can’t wait for users to onboard my app! /goddog @jessepollak
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GodDogIntern pfp
Anyone got a invited code to farhouse
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GodDogIntern pfp
I am currently building a ui that makes friend tech shares not only more accessible to users but creates more opportunities to increase friend tech users liquidity the app will also be accessible on telegram so users don’t have to leave telegram to use it congrats the the friend tech team for building! @jessepollak
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GodDogIntern pfp
Extremely excited look forward to this @jessepollak
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GodDogIntern pfp
$OOOooo building great tech can’t wait to launch what I got cooking
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GodDogIntern pfp
Show some luv https://www.build.top/nominate/0xa24e1426bc37d0d1a9e7037f5de3322e800f2d7d
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GodDogIntern pfp
im making a tg app where users connect wallet but whe i go to connect with for ex metamask the app does not automatically open in metamask i have to click try again and click to open link in metamask. any solution to this?
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GodDogIntern pfp
You can now view your share portfolio on goddog.io mint and burn friend.tech shares for the fun of it 🔥 @jessepollak @wenakita
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GodDogIntern pfp
We continue building for days $oooOOO
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GodDogIntern pfp
Would love for $oooOoo to get listed on ham building things on base Goddog.io
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GodDogIntern pfp
Freind tech erc115 wrapper built using frog fm https://frendog.vercel.app/api
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GodDogIntern pfp
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GodDogIntern pfp
For teh tec $OOOooo https://whatever-urgu.onrender.com/
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GodDogIntern pfp
One word $OOOooo
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