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Many people seem sad about social media becoming balkanized but also view it as inevitable. Seems like an inflection point where everyone will sprint to the first credibly neutral decentralized option that hits critical mass.
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Bradley pfp
Its the way of things. It happened to AIM, it happened to ICQ, happened to MySpace, Facebook, Twitter is feeling it and now TikTok being forced. This place feels new and exciting but it'll have its day as well. Just the nature of things.
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
What does “credibly neutral” mean?
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🚂 pfp
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Chris Carlson pfp
Chris Carlson
I keep telling people that one day, Warpcast will no longer be the place for me, but a new client, on the same protocol, will be, and I won’t have to rebuild my social graph. And then I say “isn’t that cool?!” And they usually get it and say “yes!”
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