Geoff Golberg pfp
Geoff Golberg
Sure sounds like purple app, doesn't it? Unrelated: I still cannot use my direct casts to communicate with other users..
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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
Direct messaging is not part of FC protocol at this time. I get what you're going through & how having nerf'd wc features is worth crying foul over. The merklem team can do whatever they want with non protocol proprietary features including having a DM API. The app to protocol pattern is maddening to ecosystem but...
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Maretus 🎩 pfp
Maretus 🎩
Well, there are other clients coming out, but I'm not sure if that will really solve the problem until they see more widespread adoption. Because, I think Warpcast users would still be limited from seeing you even if you use Supercast/etc.
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