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McDoodles Coffee Color Punk with authenticated /basecolors - Doodles Rainbow Puke - Doodles Coffee
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I see all yer Color Punks and it's the one Base Colors collab I've not totally aped into. Uncoclored/Colorable Punks only available aftermarket, yeah?
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Yeah unfortunately and not much new stuff coming on the market. I got there quite early so managed to pick up some interesting ones. Been playing with some ideas of creating another collection for colors - need a bit of time to develop, might try and get something out in Jan Got some more plans for words as well
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I suppose I should try and scoop up a CP on secondary and give this a spin. I'm also very curious about [collection] x Base Colors. Part of my rationale for /pals was to have a token that could be leveraged for future color-projects. curious how it works or could work. Would love to learn more about what you're cooking up and let me know if/how I can help ๐งก
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Will do
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maybe a dumb question -- can you color a punk that's already colored? there's not many uncolored ones on OS, but loads of colored ones.
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Yes you can you just reset it back to grey and then color it - so same as words - and you can change it as many times as you want.
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