gembox.eth pfp



291 Following

gembox.eth pfp
What do people like most about Farcaster? It seems pretty quiet, except for occasionally when Dan criticizes your posts. Just sayin’
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gembox.eth pfp
@gembox.eth is live! Please use the contact form at the bottom of the page to share your ENS, email, &/or phone number! We’ll send periodic emails & texts when our spaces begin. 💎📦
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gembox.eth pfp
We’re drafting content for the gembox.eth website: will mostly serve as an appraisal tool & newsletter archive. Linking back & forth between our .io & helps both grow!
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gembox.eth pfp
Bumpin’ madrigals & writing the notes for this week’s GemBox Scores with a feather pen! 🪶😎
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gembox.eth pfp
Learning to enjoy the educational component of big picture disagreements regarding the ethos and principles of web3 domains. Moderation and decorum have both social and expository utility. Gamify conflict by finding a way to disagree playfully. Become untriggerable.
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gembox.eth pfp
Yo @dangerwillrobin I have you set as referrer now. I want extra “willdrop” for being among the first!
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gembox.eth pfp
GM If, during the past decade, you’ve been censored on YouTube, silenced on Facebook, or perma-banned from Twitter, then you will see the need for multiple decentralized social media clients which aggregate composable social protocols. How “sufficiently decentralized” is Farcaster?
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gembox.eth pfp
Pic 1: @dwr.eth hurt our feelings calling our Farcaster post, “Spammy” 😭 Pic 2: After Tweeting this invite to join Farcaster (& troll @dwr.eth for micro-managing Farcaster channels), we were promptly blocked! We’re Far-less excited about @farcaster now. Still better than X where @enderman.eth remains banned!
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gembox.eth pfp
Don’t become so focused on macro objectives at the detriment of correctly executing small steps necessary to achieve the larger vision. The cliché is, “don’t miss the forest for the trees”, but we often miss the trees for the forest. #GemBox 💎📦
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gembox.eth pfp
Have you ever heard of the red ape family?
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gembox.eth pfp
If you don’t think much of wordmojis now, give it time. They’ll become a Golden🪿.eth (irony alert: the goose emoji is probably broken for desktop users 😭). Alert from the future: “Idiom Emojis” aka “Idiomojis” are hot lava for branding in 2030. i❤️ens keepit💯 holy💩 🎤drop golden🪿
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gembox.eth pfp
Invite Twitter/X friends to Farcaster every day! 100 LikeButton.eth ($❤️) for all 3 tasks: 1️⃣ Comment proof you invited twitter/x friends to Farcaster today. 2️⃣ Follow this account & @enderman.eth. 3️⃣ Recast this post from a Farcaster account with a .eth username. Will send $❤️ to your ENS.
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gembox.eth pfp
Show us what you’re building with your @ensdomains in Decentraland Worlds. We’re looking for cool #ENS builds to spotlight in our next article for #Metaverse #Decentraland
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gembox.eth pfp
GM 😴 Late night having too much fun building this historical (& hysterical) wordmoji domain site for 🐙 Preview #wordmoji #ethmoji #gembox #PrePunk10k
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gembox.eth pfp
How do you feel about implantable NFC technology? Will this become increasingly necessary for authentication in the near future if AI can spoof biometrics?
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gembox.eth pfp
The unicode consortium has been at it since 1991. Outrageous.
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gembox.eth pfp
If network = net worth, you may want to grow your network on a foundation where you own your username and content. Otherwise your net worth is rented. Stop enabling centralized socials to gatekeep your professional network. DeSoc for the win!
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gembox.eth pfp
Twitter keeps charging fees after banning users 🫢 If your X Premium (Twitter Blue) account was permanently suspended, make sure to cancel the subscription 🤦‍♂️ This is unethical, Elon. Also, platform manipulation & spam? You definitely have the wrong person. Legacy social still sucks. Free @enderman.eth
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gembox.eth pfp
GM🌞 Tons of high quality ENS are expiring or available to register! There are so many that it’s difficult to decide what to keep. Here are some important considerations: 1️⃣ Early Creation Date 2️⃣ Letters Only 3️⃣ Single Word 4️⃣ <10-Characters 5️⃣ Identity > Utility #GemBox 💎📦
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gembox.eth pfp
I understand the challenge of desiring to post often and struggling to find interesting content to share 😓 But if I ever start engagement-farming like, “Are you bullish on crypto?” or “What’s your favorite color?” you can assume I’ve been assimilated by the cryptoborg.
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